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Game Name : Resident Evil 4
System : Game Cube
Date Added : 2005-03-11 05:19:13
Views : 17058

Aim faster
Use the D-pad and Analog-stick together to aim faster than normal.

All completion bonuses
Complete the game to unlock the Assignment Ada and Mercenaries-mini-games, the Professional difficulty setting, the Leon's Raccoon City Police Department costume, Ashley's pop star costume, and Ada's black costume, and the Mathilda handgun and Infinite Rocket Launcher for purchase.

Alternate Ada Scene
After your second encouter with The Village Chief head straight back to the previous room where you met him. A scene will occur where Ada saves you from The Village Cheif again.

Alternate music in "Assignment Ada" credits
After you watch the credits at the end of "Assignment Ada" it will ask you if you would like to watch the credits again. Choose "yes" and it will play the credits again but with different music.

Alternate title screen
Alternate Title Screen Complete the game once.

Ambush Congregation in the Castle for $$
In the castle area, right after engaging the Bugs in the sewers, you will see a large group of Ganados Zealots in mid prayer. If you spook them they will run away, and you miss out on ALOT of money. Right before the sewer they give you a flash grenade. SAVE IT. When preparing the ambush on the congregation, go north then swing across the chandelier. When on the other side look down, and try to hit them all with a flash grenade to stun. Immediately jump down and run north to their exit point so you lock them in. If you have an incendiary or frag grenade you could use it here, other wise line them up for some shotgun carnage. They will each drop a spinel and their leader drops an Illuminados pendant, worth around 32000 altogether.

Annoy Ashley
When Ashley is on a cliff or still up a ladder, you can aim your gun up at her. She will grab her skirt and call you a pervert.

Avoid damage from traps
To avoid getting hurt by traps such as explosives and bear traps, use your laser sight and shoot at the explosive or the middle of the trap.

Bridge cutscene
After all the villagers go into the church (chapter 1-1), go back to the starting point. If you press A to check the bridge, it will show a cutscene where Leon sees the truck on fire and the bridge has gone out.

Capcom Game Promo
Late in the game, Leon will stumble across a weapon aptly called the Killer 7, an obvious tip of the hat to Capcom's Killer 7 videogame.

Chapter 2-1 puzzle
Before the end of the chapter, there is a puzzle in the church. The puzzle is a simple mix of colors. Three different designs surround the main design. The colors are red, green, and blue. When you enter the church, turn to the left and go down the little hall. Climb the ladder. When you are up there, you will see that the way to the door is barred. You must get to the other side of the church by jumping on and off of the chandelier. On the other side, there is a set of switches. When you activate it, the puzzle starts. The goal is to turn the designs so when combined, they are the same as the middle design. Turn red twice, green once, and blue three times. When combined, it should create the design. Then, go in and grab Ashley.

Chapter 3-4 puzzle
The quickest way to complete the puzzle as Ashley in 3-4 is as follows. The layout of the puzzle's squares is referred as:

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Press A on the following in this order: 4, 7, 8, 9, 6, 3, 1, 7, 9.

Chasing Ashley
The enemies who captures Ashley will seek to leave by the nearest area exit; these are the exits that have the "green" OPEN or context command as opposed to the normal "white" text. If they manage to reach one of these exits, then the game is over. When leaving Ashley to do stuff alone, be sure not to leave her near a green exit door.

Color Error
In round 2 select the special costume set. After you watch the cutscene where Ada saves Leon from the village chief check the broken window. Leon will say "There is something about that woman in red" when infact Ada is not wearing red at all.

Crown Jewels
Kill Salazar's "right hand" that you need to use the liquid nitrogen tanks on to receive the "Crown Jewels". which fit into the "Crown" treasure item. This is difficult; try using the Chicago Typewriter.

Defeating The Man With The Chainsaw
When you meet the man with the chainsaw, shoot him with the shotgun and incendiary grenades. You can also just use your handgun, but you will probably get killed. The shotgun is found in the building that is diagonal from the tower.

Del Lago Secret
When you first enter the area where you fight Del Lago, the monster in the water, head down to the dock. If you shoot the water about eight to fifteen times, you will get see what he thinks of you.

Destroying the insect nest
In the area where Ashley is carried away by the flying insects, you can destroy the nest that is hanging from the ceiling. After it is destroyed, you will find a lot of green and red eyes, and if you are lucky, even a blue one. This is a good way to
get the Butterfly Lamp filled with all three jewels early so that you can get some extra money for upgrades.

Easy kills
After you kill the hatchet guy as soon as you start the game, go upstairs to the window. Do not jump out. Instead, take out your pistol and shoot the glass out. Then, carefully aim for the villagers' heads that are awaiting outside. There are three of them. If you kill all three, you can jump out and avoid any damage.

Easy money
Once you gain access to the tunnel with the merchant beyond Pueblo, return to the farm area and wait for the chickens there to lay eggs. Exit and re-enter to begin the same process over again. After you fill your inventory, you can return to
the nearby merchant to sell your eggs. White chicken eggs sell for 300 Pesetas, brown eggs for 600 Pesetas, and golden eggs for 3,000 Pesetas.

Eggs for Ashley
There are three types of eggs, white, brown, and golden. Collect these, equip them, and fire on Ashley. They will not harm her and it is funny. Aim from a distance to get used to them. They are lighter than a grenade and fly far when thrown. Note: She will duck when in close proximity.

Extra ammunition
Wait until you are low on ammunition before upgrading a gun. The replacement gun will always have a full clip, giving you extra bullets that otherwise may be difficult to find.

Extra Scene With Luis
During the part where Leon and Luis defend the cabin, shoot Luis with your pistol (or any other gun) around 8 or more times. You will get a cut scene where Luis will shoot Leon back, and give you a game over.

Finding items
To find items, smash all of the crates with either your knife or a gun.

In the shooting gallery,if the background is of the castle, you can see fireworks by shooting the moon to turn down the lights then shooting the castle that will start the show of fireworks.You can only do this once per round and it adds 300 points to your score.

Friendly Las Plagas
When you encounter the 3rd form of Las Plagas, if you stand still then they cannot harm you at all. Eventually they will die by themselves.

Get extra money and items
At various points throughout the game, you will come across different animals such as crows and fish. These animals can be shot and will reveal different items or amounts of money to obtain.

Get kicked by a cow
During the 1st part of the game, after the village you will come a farm with many cows. If you knife a cow enough times it will kick you to very very low health, but it will not kill you.

Golden egg
At the beginning of the game, if you leave a hen alone in Pueblo they should lay at least one golden egg. Go to the weapon/health screen and select the egg. It should allow you to equip the egg. At the screen, Leon will throw the egg up and down, looking smug.

Harder difficulty
Complete the main game once.

Help during 2nd Boss fight
At the start of the game you'll find a dog stuck in a bear trap. If you go over and free it from the trap it will help you later during the second boss fight.

Hidden Conversation With Hunnigan.
Near the church in Chapter 1-3, instead of going up to the church, take the path towards the lake. This will trigger a conversation with Hunnigan, where Leon stumbles with words.

Hidden Trailers
If you don't push any buttons at the title screen. Then after about a minute or so a never-before-seen trailer will play. If you do the same thing at the title screen after the 1st trailer has played then the trailer from The Tokyo Game Show of 2004 will play. It will play these 2 trailers for as many of times as you don't push any buttons at the title screen.

Interesting death sequences
Crocodile: When killed, do not cut the rope.
Giant insects: Let them vomit on you.
Trap door floor: Salazaar will enjoy sending the spikes impaling Scott Kennedy.
Knife fight: At the end, let him press the knife through the cavity.
Two Los Gigantos: In the magma floor/pool, activate the switch and stand next to the pool.
Chief Mendez: In the barn fight, do not evade his grab in the intermission sequence

Note: Save before each encounter before trying to see the following death scenes.

Killer7 Endorsement
Later in the game, the Merchant has a gun called "Killer7". This powerful magnum shares the name of an upcoming title by Capcom called "Killer 7".

Killing birds
Throw a flash grenade in the middle of a group of birds. All of them will die instantly, leaving lots of gold. This also works with the Granadas when their heads are transformed.

Killing the merchant
You can kill the merchant at any time in the game. Under the normal difficulty setting, he just dies then comes back at the next place, or when you leave the room and come back in. However, under the professional difficulty setting, once he dies, he remains dead. When you see the merchant and his eyes are glowing red, you can take the mine thrower and shoot a couple of darts. Most of the time he will turn into a blood stain on the floor.

King Leon
In chapter 5-3, right before the room with the lasers, there's a red throne room. Approach the throne and hit 'A' to have Leon sit upon the throne in all his glory.

Leon the Lady's man
After the end credits there is a short radio conversation between Leon and Hunnigan. Leon will notice Hunnigan is no longer wearing her glasses and will actually try to hit on her.

Looking at Ashley the wrong way
When Ashley is following you find something somewhat high off of the ground and climb on top. Then tell Ashley to stay put. Go below where you left Ashley standing. When you are underneath and you try to move the C-Stick up to look at Ashley, she will ask Leon what is he looking at and call him a pervert.

Max out your health while fighting the first El Gigante
In the area you fight him there is a yellow herb you can use with a green herb to increase your health. Grab it and use it to increase your health then let him kill you, which won't be that hard. After your game is over continue and you will have all of your green herbs again and the extra health. The yellow herb will be out there again so grab it and repeat the process increasing your health over and over again till its maxed out fairly early in the game.

Beat the game to unlock the mercenaries mini game.

More items
When running around different areas of the village, you will see crows. Pick them off from a distance as to not scare the others away. They usually drop Pesetas. If you scare some away, just re-enter the area to reset their position.

More Money for Beerstein and Elegant Mask
When you find these items do not sell them right away. You can increase the value of the items with gems.

Open doors faster
Tap A(2) when the "Open" action appears to kick open or down some doors instead of nudging them by hand. This will give you an advantage, as any enemies behind the door will be sent flying back.

Opening locks
There are many locks on doors. Instead of shooting the locks and wasting ammunition, pull out your knife and cut it off. The same can be done for boxes.

Pearl Pendant
When first starting the game, shoot the pendant (above the smelly well) and tap A repeatedly. You will grab it before it lands in the water. This boosts the selling price to 10,000 Pesetas. Close to the start of the game there is a pendant with a value that will decrease by 9,000 Pesetas, if dropped in water. To keep it as the Pearl Pendant instead of the Brass Pocketwatch, shoot the block that is holding the well open, then shoot the pendant down to pick it up off the top of the well cover. It will sell for 10,000 Pesetas.

Punisher Pistol
Search two areas of the game for the blue medallions & shoot them. There are 15 total in the game.

Quick money or more health
If you mix a Green, Red, and Yellow Herb, you can sell it for a lot of money, or use it to restore health and increase the maximum health. Use it when you are low on health so that you do not waste the health recovery from it.

Quick reload
While holding R, press B. You will reload the gun instead of waiting to empty the clip.

Whenever you upgrade your gun's capacity it fills the weapon with ammo. So don't reload before you buy the upgrade.

S.T.A.R.S. Warning
Similar to the FBI Warning on commercial movies, a S.T.A.R.S. and Racoon City Police Department warning is in the game. Check out the end of the credits.

Saddler comment
Listen closely when you kill the villagers. Some of them will say "Lord Saddler" as they reach out just before they die. Note: This may only happen after completion of the game.

Saddler Paintings
When you come to a painting of Saddler in the castle, check it. Behind every painting is 5000 ptas.

Select what egg you want from a snake!
Sometimes when u slash a wooden box you will encounter a snake. If you let it live and follow it for awhile you will get a golden egg, if you leave it for a short amount of time, you will get brown, and when you kill it right off you will get a regular egg.

Sell the rocket launcher (special) to the merchant
This trick involves the unlimited rocket launcher (costs one million Pesetas completing the game. When you fight Saddler and Ada throws you the rocket launcher (special), take it, but do not use it. When you can get a clear shot to his main eye, use the regular unlimited launcher. Saddler will be killed and the rocket launcher (special) will be yours to keep. When you start a new game, you can sell it to the merchant.

Snake eggs
If you see a snake after smashing boxes, kill it. You will get a chicken egg for health. Note: If you do not kill the snake it will bite you and take health away.

Snake in the Box
Sometimes when you destroy the wooden crates a snake will jump out and bite you. If you keep slashing with your knife when the box breaks you can kill the snake and receive a healing egg.

Special Costumes
After beating the game the first time, when starting a new game or playing a Round Two game, a new option appears that allows for Leon and Ashley to wear special costumes. Leon wears an R.P.D. uniform, Ashley wears pop sensation clothes, and Ada wears her black outfit from her mini-game.

Speedy Pitch Aim
Use the D-pad in conjunction with the Analog to swiftly aim up or down at 2x the rate. Great for knifing or quick point-blank grenades.

Start Round 2 with the Special Rocket Launcher
During the final boss fight Ada will throw the Special Rocket Launcher. Don't grab it instead just keep killing the boss the way you were before by shooting the eyes, using the machines, and throwing hand grenades to stun him and jump on him. Keep doing this and he will die. After the battle collect your spoils and Special Rocket Launcher. Beat the game and when you start round 2 you will have it in your inventory.

Title Screen Controls
Use these controls during the title screen.C-stick moves the backround left and right.R zooms in backround.L zooms out backround.

Two routes
Soon after the farmhouse, look around to collect some ammunition and buy more items. After that, go to an opening where you see a lever. Go up to it and switch it to the right to fight El Gigante (recommended) or switch it to the left to face more
chainsaw wielding villagers (extremely difficult). If you select to fight El Gigante, aim at the rock at the top ledge until he is underneath it and fire. Use the same tactic on the one you dealt with earlier.

Unlock Chicago Typewriter
Finish minigame assignment Ada.

Unlock Handcannon
Get a five-star rank on all mercenaries.

Unlock Infinite Rocket Launcher
Beat the game.

Unlock Mathilda Handgun
Beat the game.

Unlock Unlimited Ammo Handcannon
Fully upgrade the Handcannon's firepower, reload, and capacity. The 'exclusive' option then raises the attack power to 99.9 and gives infinite ammo.

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